We are holding a Charity Afternoon Tea Special for Valentines Day on
Friday 14th February
£12 per head (Bookings only)
We are raising funds for our own 3 Tier Cake Stands so we can do it Proper!
At present we are borrowing from other Charities and Organisations but this would be a lot better if we could just have our own and put out our own and not worry about breaking others.
We will be doing a Cake Stall and Raffle in the hope of raising £440.70
We do already have single tier Cake stands but our real wish is the all matching good quality ones
If you would like to put your name down for this call in and book or please call us on
01352 754792
Or Email us on danielowencentre@outlook.com
Alternatively, you can make a donation on Card, Cash or BACS
If you wish to make a donation through BACS
Daniel Owen Community Association
Sort code: 20-25-69
Account no: 00261904
Reference: Cake Stands
